
It’s been over three years since I’ve published the eBook Strategic Impact of IT Trends in the Pharmaceutical Industry 1

It’s been over three years since I’ve launched this blog.

It’s been over three years since I’ve written a blog post here.

Life got in the way and my writing time has decreased. My interest for new technologies has not gone away though – quite the opposite – and I’ve been spending my time reading and researching about machine learning, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, the blockchain, Internet of Things, and other tech trends.

It’s been a very long period of time, and it’s time to roll up my sleeves and start writing. Again.

The aim is not to write one long article per month as I was doing before, but to share clips of information that are concise, informative, and to the point.

Technology is evolving way too fast for monthly blog posts, and everyone is way too busy to read yet another essay. There will be the occasional one where I’ll go deep-dive about a particular topic, but it won’t be the norm.

I hope you’ll enjoy these articles. Get in touch, tweet or email me to let me know how I can improve the blog and what are the topics you enjoy the most.

  1. I’m thrilled to continue receiving feedback that the conclusions drawn on the ebook are still very much relevant!